Our classrooms

You can’t force children to learn if they’re not in the right headspace. 

We have to create the conditions that enable our students to feel safe to learn, be ready, motivated and wanting to learn. And that starts with the environment they’re in.

Research shows 1/3 of the classroom suffer from mental health challenges, sensory conditions or a neurodevelopmental condition.


Neurodevelopmental Disorders

Estimates suggest between 3-10% of Australia & NZ children live with neurodevelopmental disorders.


Sensory Processing

Estimates suggest Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD) affects 5-16% of school age children, according to SPD Australia.


Mental Health

Between 14-20% of NZ and Australian youth are affected by depression or meet the criteria for an anxiety disorder and need support with their emotional wellbeing.

Kathryn Berkett
Neuroscience Practioner

The human brain develops sequentially. If it hasn’t developed a necessary learning block learning early on, it struggles to move on.

Sensory environments help encourage the development of these building blocks by creating spaces where children can self-regulate themselves.

Darrian Issacson-Hanson
Teacher & Educator

Some of the largest barriers to learning can come from outside the classroom.

We use a soda can analogy - you don't know how many times the can has been shaken before it comes through the school gate and gets opened. You don't know what challenges these kids have already faced before being asked to sit down and learn.

Beyond the school gate

We know the transition from home to school has it’s own challenges. With shifts in surroundings and changing of authority figures, children’s cognitive ability is strained and comprised often leading to disruptive behaviour.

So after a day of exposure to high energy environments sometimes we all need ways to level out. The Mindfull product range is designed specifically to suit the at home environment just as seamlessly as the classroom.

Want to know more? Visit our Learning Hub