Mindfull Origin Story
After speaking with a number of educators back in 2021, we went away and did some research.
Looking at what our classrooms actually looked like across both Australia and New Zealand. What we found is research suggests that up to a third of kids in any given classroom might have something going on.
That could be that they're neurodiverse learners, or they are sensory processing learners, or they're struggling with their mental health after COVID lockdowns.
So with that knowledge, we questioned whether the learning spaces we're putting our kids into are actually fit for purpose.
Because we know in any given classroom there is going to be two or three students that are over stimulated and two or three students that are under stimulated.
So, if we can provide increased stimulation for those kids that are under stimulated, that could be through rocking or wobbling or through using tactile materials, then we can actually make that whole classroom calmer.
Likewise with the kids that are over stimulated. If we can create a little safe space using acoustics and visual screening, then we can create a space for them to withdraw into for 10-15 minutes, after-which they can reintegrate with their classroom and continue learning.
So, that's very quickly become our 'why'. If simply by adding two or three pieces of furniture to every classroom, we can create better learning outcomes for every single person within that space, then that's got to be one of the most powerful things we can do as a business.
And some of the initial feedback we've had from these users is that it is working. We can put a rocking perch in a classroom and the two or three students that are under stimulated can go away and rock when they need that energy release and the whole classroom becomes quieter and everybody learns more.